My Vision for Earth
I envision our planet centered around unconditional love for all as the founding principle.
A world where we view one another from a place of love and compassion. Where we accept others for who they are and let people be themselves, free of judgment. A world where we don’t allow our differences to divide us.
I dream of a world where everyone can live their best life filled with abundance, love, and happiness. A world completely free of fear, negativity, and hate. It is now time to make my dream a reality.
Unconditional love resides at the core of each and every one of us just waiting to be unlocked. The frequency of unconditional love is what our higher selves vibrate at. Your higher self is the spiritual aspect of you. If you tune to this frequency, you will be able to receive messages from your higher self and know exactly what your soul’s purpose is.
Life is a rollercoaster of highs and lows. We all go through intense experiences that shape us into who we are. You never know what someone is going through or has gone through. We should all be kind and support one another.
Conditional love is most prevalent in our world today, expecting something in return. Why not love everyone freely without needing it back. We all share this planet. And we all go through difficult times. We must realize that we truly are all one. Anything that makes it seem as if we aren’t, such as politics or war, is simply an illusion.
Collectively, we must change our mindsets in a way that allows us to view everyone on this planet as our fellow brothers and sisters, for that is truly what we all are to each other when you remove all of the illusions of our reality.
Love is free. Why not view everyone from a place of love and align with your higher self. You have nothing to lose, and everything to gain. Your life will change if you choose this path.
If you reach the point where your energy vibrates at the frequency of unconditional love, all aspects of your life will improve. You will feel better, create your reality better, and be in a mindset to expect the best which attracts the best. You attract what you are. The energy you emit into the world is what you receive back. This is a Universal law: the Law of Attraction.
Tuning to this higher frequency involves meticulous discipline involving various methods of practice in all aspects of your life. And it isn’t something you can do instantly, rather, it is something you must work toward achieving over time. You have to look at yourself from an outside perspective while truly connecting with yourself in a way you haven’t before.
It is possible that we are all of a universal consciousness. My theory is that we may all be varying expressions of this consciousness, shaped by our experiences and genetics, which is what causes us all to be so different.
You may view someone as “weird” but why should we waste our time judging anyone? Why can’t we let people just be themselves and worry about our own self? Wasting your time judging people and talking negatively about others brings your energy down. Instead, focus that time and energy on improving yourself. Most people do not realize how valuable time is until it is too late.
Let’s say someone does something that annoys you. In your mind, you may think that person “sucks.” However, the way I see it, a person is simply a result of the two aforementioned factors, genetics and past experiences, that cause them to react a certain way. Our individual experiences shape us into who we are. And we obviously have no control over our genetics. Therefore, I believe that we should try to be more understanding of why people act the way they do. I should note that this is not to say by any means that I condone negative behavior or actions, and I am not saying that you need to love people who do terrible things in this world. In general, I just think that we need to take a step back and think about why someone acts the way they do.
We should help others and build each other up. Life is very hard and why make it harder for everyone by viewing others from a place of negativity or hate? How is this a way anyone wants to live?
We must simply start to view everyone from a place of compassion. Understand that what people go through is what makes them a certain way. We should love everyone for who they are, despite their shortcomings and mistakes.
When you see a lady on the street, don’t think of her as a stranger. Think of her as your mom or sister. She is someone’s mom, sister, or daughter. And she has had so many experiences in her life that have been difficult, that have shaped her into who she is today. We must have compassion for everyone.
All of the realizations that make up this website came to me through a lot of self-reflection and taking time to figure out who I am. It is not an easy journey, but it is the most beautiful journey of all. I strongly desire to help others get to this point. I know for a fact that is every single person on this planet took the initiative to turn their focus inward and heal themselves from their past, as well as undo subconscious programming and limiting beliefs, world peace would naturally follow.
Of course, it will be hard to get everyone to do this. But I believe that through this website, even if I help one person go down this path, it will make a positive change by causing a ripple effect throughout our planet.