It all starts with you.
You are important and can make a difference on this planet.
You simply existing in a higher state of consciousness has a much larger effect on this planet than you could ever imagine.
The mind is exceedingly more powerful than we can fully understand. You truly do have the power to create your reality and do anything you set your mind to. You also have the power create a peaceful headspace.
Staying on top of negative thoughts and not allowing minor inconveniences to bother you is essential. Through various practices, you can train your mind to remain in a state that allows you to be content with whatever happens and trust that everything is all part of a grander plan.
You must be careful what you expose yourself to, for the subconscious mind is always listening. You must evaluate your current beliefs and rewire your brain to rid your subconscious mind of limiting beliefs that are holding you back. Using the power of the mind, seek the truth of the nature of our reality. Once you see things clearly, you can progress quicker.
It is crucial to take care of your body and express gratitude for it daily. Eating well is key. What you put in is what you get out. Exercise is important for so many reasons, including increased oxygen flow to every cell in your body.
Cultivating gratitude for your body regularly is highly beneficial. I feel as if most of us take our bodies for granted. I like to connect with my body in meditation and thank it for all it does for me. The more you appreciate your body, the better it will perform.
Our bodies do so much more than people commonly recognize. There are millions of things occurring on a cellular level that allow you to be able to do everything that you do. Start regularly expressing gratitude for your body’s ability to fight pathogens and allow you to go places, two of the many things that people take for granted, which I believe should be given proper recognition daily.
The spiritual and eternal aspect of you that has always been and will always be. Connecting to your inner self and realizing who you truly are when you put aside all of the subconscious programming you have been exposed to will reveal your soul’s purpose. Connecting to your soul regularly is so important. To take time out of your day to be present with yourself with no distractions. The more you quiet your external world, the louder your inner self will be heard.
Having faith in a higher power can help to guide you throughout life. God/Universe/Source/The Divine are all terms that I use for the higher power that I connect with. I personally believe that you do not need to follow a specific religion to be spiritual. Spirituality is as simple as believing in a higher power. Let’s set aside all religious feuds and realize that all religions that have emerged across the world are various expressions of basically the same thing, that have developed in shockingly similar ways.
My level of expertise. An energetic field surrounds us all, often referred to as our energetic body. It is possible to raise the frequency of your energy. Frequency is the rate that your energy vibrates at. Energy and frequency have a direct relationship, so raising your frequency raises your energy.
When your energy reaches the frequency of unconditional love, which is the frequency of our higher selves, you can receive intuitive guidance from your higher self, which is the only information you can truly trust in this world. Your higher self knows what is best for you and what your life’s purpose is.
Chakras are energy centers located in our bodies. You will function at your best in all aspects of your life if they are unblocked, allowing for energy to flow freely. There are 7 main chakras that you should dedicate time to unblocking and healing, focusing on one at a time.
Balancing your energy and keeping it balanced is a very difficult task to achieve, especially with the nature of our reality, with unexpected things constantly occurring in a not-so-peaceful world. You can work towards balanced energy through harmonizing all aspects of the mind, body, soul, and your connection to spirit.
All of these elements are interconnected. If you take the time to strengthen your connection with each of them, you will achieve inner peace and reach your highest potential.
The best way to start balancing all of these is through meditation. It is the first step of this journey and is so important due to its ability to alter all of these aspects. Meditation has truly changed my life.
An example of the interconnectedness of these components: using the power of mind, cultivate energy/feelings in the body that align with the frequency of your goal, while simultaneously connecting with your higher self and the Divine for additional guidance and support.